Training Wholistically

When training either for weight-loss, or for fitness, for strength, for a goal or for everyday needs….all should be well balanced.

Most people don’t think of the total picture, just the external image or the goal set. Little do we know about our own bodies, but if you take the time to work from the inside out, then you will certainly be your own personal trainer, doctor and therapist to your body.

It’s your body, you should know it best.

Think about it….at the moment Crossfit is the exercise of choice, the rage in the fitness world. But i know of many, that aren’t getting results, getting injuries, fatigued etc…it’s certainly not for everyone…so don’t just follow the pack. Actually, the same goes for yoga, weight training, running etc….

So, what’s missing here?

Our connection firstly, secondly our combining, thirdly our timing…

What do you do for strength, cardio fitness, conditioning or training exercise/sport?

Ask yourself do you enjoy it? Lurve getting up to go train? Or loathe it?
That’s the mind body connection….right there.

Secondly, are you eating well enough to sustain the training and repair? That’s the combining!

Thirdly, are you ready for it fitness or strength wise, are you a beginner learning or an advanced athlete, or what time of the day are you doing it, how long are you doing it…timing is also everything. So is consistency…

I get loads of people over-training, or simply not getting the results even with hours at the gym…no results, no gains…just a stand still.

My first rule always is, do I love what i’m doing?

That way you will stick to it, make it part of your being, your passion, your everyday.

Ask yourself is your training program fun, or a chore? do you love it? or even like it? Have a passion for it? Enjoy it? Are happy doing it?

If you answered yes to one, then great!….you can work on the rest.
If not, you better just hit your head on the desk a few times…you may get more enjoyment out of that??…

Haha, jokes aside…do what you enjoy first, that will equal results.

Think whole body, that’s wholistic training.

I dislike running, don’t really like boot-camps or group exercise (only if i am teaching it-lol). I love nature, being alone to connect with my training and push myself, I like listening to tunes and would rather not talk to anyone, especially when training in the gym and focused!…haha…which is quite weird, as I am a social butterfly. Exercise is a spiritual connection for me, even know i’m not the over-top type of spiritual person. I love strengthening and lengthening my body, love walking miles on the beach, barefoot, at sunrise or sunset and always with my puppy ‘Cacao’. However, I do love adventure and challenging activities with friends or creative sports people around….like rock-climbing, aerial arts, surfing etc.

Find what you love first, dancing, surfing, rock-climbing, ocean swimming, aerobic classes, cycling then cross-train it….with something else you lurvveee!

Remember keep moving, and keep in love….most of all listen to your body and keep it all round strong, supple, flexible, fit and relaxed equally.

Below is my training schedule for before and during my last fitness model comp…everything I did, I loved! True!

My everyday training schedule, I even do this holidays:

Firstly, just to clarify, I only started lifting weights again when I decided to compete. Before this I just power walked, used the monkey bars for chin ups, did push ups til failure, and sometime’s 100 squats a day x 3-4 times a week, core work….and for the past several months, I go to Aerial Silks once a week for fun. I did loads of weight training back-in-the-day, so muscle memory did help me out nearly 20 years later!!

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Love your body, and it will love you back!

Here are my photos of my journey of 20% fat to 10% fat. Now remember 20% is more than healthy  however for stage condition around 8-15% is required. Depending on your body type, your category and age, and of course how you carry fat will all change your desired body composition.

My stats are here as a guide only, which you can go by….but you may find you are built differently.


My first Novice Fitness Model Comp @ 40 years of age.


Fitness Model Over 40’s Division – 2nd Place


Bikini Momma – 3rd Place


My reason and message for competing – Vegan Built


ANB Asia Pacific Fitness Model – Placed 3rd


Feeling proud, shocked and all so happy!

No matter what the dream,

you can achieve it!

Just believe it,

implement it,

and do it…

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