Custard, it really does grow on tree’s!!??
Custard apple, is the most common name for this exotic fruit.
Custard apple is also known as being part of the soursop family, it can be called sugar apple, sweetsop, cherimoya, wild custard apple and also called white sapote.
What can I say about this treasured find???
I love this fruit, I only discover it a year ago…and it literally does tastes like a custard with a twang!!…and of course without the dairy!! I lurveee having Custard apple for breaky and mixing with banana’s, dates and some coconut milk in winter I slightly warm it like a porridge…mmmm
This is the best way to start the day by far.
Custard apple is a sweet fruit, it is about 8-16cm in diameter and its shape can be heart-shaped, lopsided, or irregular.
It comes historically from south America, however Queensland….yes, my state that I live in are the worlds biggest industrial growers!!?? What tha??…i have lived here for 10 years, and never had one!??? Actually, numerous Australians still don’t know about this particular exotic fruit and most of the crop is sold and exported to Asia.
So what are the nutritional benefits of my now beloved Custard Apple???
- Custard apple is a storehouse of Vitamin C, which is an anti-oxidant and Vitamin A for hair, eyes and healthy skin.
- Contains magnesium, Potassium, Copper and Vitamin B6 are also present in custard apple.
- It is a rich source of dietary fibre, low in fat, which helps in maintaining optimum health.
- The paste of the flesh of the fruit can be used for local application on ulcers, abscesses and boils.
- I have read, when in its unripe form, can be dried, crushed and used for treating diarrhoea and dysentery.
- Studies are reporting that Soursop, has anti-cancer and healing properties, this alone has me heading to my local farmer market to stock up!!
Let’s look at the Macro & Micro Nutrients per 100 grams of this amazing fruit….
Carbs = 25gms
Protein = 1.7gms
Fat = 0.6gms
Cals = 101
Fibre = 2.4gms
Calcium = 30mg
Iron = .71mg
Magnesium = 18mg
Potassium = 382 mg
This is my new apple of my eye 😉 enjoy
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