A friend of mine had signed up and recommended Crissi. Also when I met with Luke Tan he also recommended Crissi.
I was unhappy with my weight and overwhelmed with information. I was focusing too much on wanting to build muscle but had lots of body fat to lose first.
Yes, for about three and a half years.
To lose body fat but also to find a routine (for food and activity) that works for me, and that I could adopt permanently, not just for a ‘diet’. On advice of Luke Tan, I decided to put all my trust in Crissi, to trust the process and not overthink things. So my goals were body fat loss, but also to put my own doubts aside and not to allow myself to get overwhelmed with too much outside information.
My body fat started dropping quickly. I am not at my ‘goal body’ yet and have lots of body fat/loose skin to go but this is my own fault if I had followed Crissi’s advice 100% every day I would be closer to my goal!
In terms of my clothes fitting better, probably about four weeks however I had a lot of fat to begin with! After the first say 12 weeks there was a definite big change, I had to throw away some clothes that were too big and people were commenting.
Crissi outlined my plan for me after asking me lots of questions. I followed her plan and saw results, even when the times I was following it say 80%. My best results were always when following 100%, of course!
Crissi also helped me just by being a source of inspiration both online and in person. I am very confident she knows her stuff and so I am very happy to follow her advice without overthinking it. I trust in the process she has outlined for me because it has worked!
For me MFP is extremely important for meeting my goals. Not only for making sure I don’t go over my macros, but also making sure I don’t under eat.
Yes, I now know what works for me, not just for fat loss but also in terms of structuring a routine that works. I’m a busy mum with two children at home and the meal preps for my own meals four/five days in a row have been a massive stress relief. There have been days where I’ve been sick or not able to prepare food, so having a ready meal in the fridge has been wonderful.
I’ve also learned that for me, HCLF definitely works. Previously I thought to lose weight I had to go low carb high protein. On Crissi’s plan I was certain she or I made a mistake with the portions because there was so much food! But of course it’s was all correct and I’m amazed my fat dropped so quickly without me ever feeling hungry or lethargic. So from now on I am confidently sticking to a HCLF and I still use Crissi’s meals, or make my own HCLF and keep to the same macros and portion sizes.
My family not so much (young kids and non vegan husband) but some of my friends and relatives are rethinking their position on not only vegan food but eating more wholefoods and trying HCLF.
Definitely, for me it’s a lifelong change.
I have received lots of comments about having lost weight some of my relatives are asking me what I’ve done so they can make some changes.
Yes I’ve enjoyed it very much and always recommend it. I will follow this way of eating for life because for me it’s a lifestyle change, not a temporary thing.
More body fat loss. I don’t want to set any numbers like scales weight etc because I threw my scales away, but to lose another two dress sizes would be good.