I heard about Crissi through Instagram and Youtube when researching individuals in the Vegan bodybuilding scene!
Unhappy with my body, unconfident and wanting to make a change. I felt “healthy”, but not where I wanted my body to be.
Lose weight and change my overall physique. That quickly changed to wanting to begin competing! I successfully achieved both of those goals and it pushed me to want to continue to get more serious in competing.
Pretty much immediately!
VFM changed my life by showing how easily it is to be strong, confident and a true athlete as a vegan. We can radiate health and happiness through our actions on this lifestyle and this gave me the confidence to continue to pursue that.
I have kept with the lifestyle since my program ended, adapting many of to principals to how I work with my new coaches. Vegan for life baby!
1000% yes yes yes!!! I sure hope I’ve inspired others by my sharing my journey.
Absolutely! Especially for those new to the lifestyle. I feel Crissi is amazing with individuals transitioning and gives plenty of options.
Yes! Planned my 2018 competition season.
Can hardly express with words what the friendships I have built through VFM mean to me. I met someone who I now consider to be one of my closest friends and have countless others who I communicate with regularly. It’s truly so special and amazing to have so many others to relate to when I don’t have too many people in my day-to-day life that understand.